(Photo: Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor)

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza illuminates the complex challenges faced by Gaza Strip residents. Recent advisories from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), urging evacuation for safety, underscore the precarious conditions resulting from military operations. However, a multitude of factors, including Gaza’s dense population, limited infrastructure, and imposed movement restrictions, complicates the feasibility of such evacuations.

Gaza as an Open-Air Prison

In May 2023, a demonstration saw Palestinian flags fixed to a barbed wire fence along the border between Gaza and Israel.
(Photo: Mohammed Abed / AFP / Getty)

The confined space in which Gaza’s inhabitants live reflects the characterization of it as an open-air prison. Bordered by Israel, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea, the narrow strip of land, merely 25 miles in length, houses over 2 million people. The high population density exacerbates living conditions and restricts movement, creating an environment that resembles a virtual prison.

Israel compounds the issue by imposing restrictions on the movement of Palestinians from Gaza to the West Bank. This limitation hampers access to essential services, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, contributing to a pervasive sense of entrapment and isolation. The blockade, combined with recurrent conflicts and military operations, perpetuates a cycle of violence that instills fear and trauma among the population, leaving them feeling trapped in a volatile environment beyond their control.

Evacuation Challenges

Palestinians searching for survivors in the Jabalia refugee camp, after Israel launched an airstrike on it.
(Photo: Fadi Wael Alwhidi / DPA / Picture Alliance via Getty Images)

The dynamic and unpredictable nature of the conflict is highlighted by the recent transformation of southern Gaza from a perceived safe zone into a dangerous area. Evacuating in the midst of such insecurity becomes a daunting task, with concerns about the safety and well-being of those attempting to leave, especially when access to transportation and safe shelters may be limited.

Previous instances of forced evacuations and attacks on refugee camps have further eroded the perceived safety of Gaza. The displacement of Palestinians from northern Gaza and the targeting of the Jabalia refugee camp underscore the challenges faced by the population in finding secure locations, as areas once considered safe have been directly impacted by conflict.

A central concern is the impact of the conflict on civilians, particularly children. Continuous military operations and the potential for forced evacuations contribute to a humanitarian crisis. The psychological toll on the civilian population, experiencing the trauma of displacement and the constant threat of violence, necessitates urgent attention to the humanitarian dimensions of the conflict.

The situation in Gaza raises questions about the adherence to international humanitarian law, which mandates the protection of civilians during armed conflicts. The challenges faced by residents in finding safety underscore the importance of addressing the humanitarian dimensions of the conflict and ensuring the rights and well-being of the civilian population.

Peaceful Resistance and its Consequences

In March 2018, thousands of Palestinians participated in a peaceful demonstration alongside the border between Gaza and Israel.
(Photo: Mohammed Asad / Middle East Monitor)

Examining the past attempts at peaceful resistance in Gaza reveals the complexities of the situation. The protests from 2018-2019, focused on the right of return for Palestinian refugees, demonstrated a commitment to expressing grievances through nonviolent means. However, the Israeli response, involving the use of disproportionate and deadly force, resulted in a high number of casualties, raising concerns about adherence to international human rights standards.

Despite the provocations and historical grievances, the commitment to peaceful protest challenges the narrative that Palestinians have never tried for peace. The international community’s response emphasizes the importance of respecting human rights and international law, urging accountability for the excessive use of force during the protests.


The people of Gaza face challenges, whether attempting to evacuate amidst conflict or engaging in peaceful resistance, highlighting the urgent need for international intervention. Diplomatic efforts must address the root causes of the conflict, facilitate access to humanitarian assistance, and work towards a sustainable and just resolution. The international community plays a pivotal role in advocating for the protection of civilians and supporting initiatives that promote peace and stability in the region.

Ways You Can Help

  1. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and other organizations are launching an Apartheid-Free initiative dedicated to dismantling Israel’s grip over Palestinians. Read more about it, take its pledge, and join campaigns aimed at standing against Israel’s inhumane treatment of innocent people.
  2. Demand that your local Congressman or Congresswoman takes action to assist civilians affected by Israel’s relentless strikes on Gaza. Contact them by calling, writing a letter, or both.
  3. Donate to organizations dedicated to helping the people of Gaza. AFSC has two funds you can contribute to – one for bringing humanitarian relief to Gaza, and another that helps AFSC advocate for Palestinian rights.

(Disclaimer: Keepin’ Real is not in any way affiliated with AFSC or any of the other organizations mentioned above)